Buc Camp
Parents, we are excited for Wednesday’s Buc Camp! Below is some important info for the day and answers to FAQs. See you Wednesday!
Arrival Time: Buc Camp begins promptly at 9:00 a.m. Feel free to drop your child off anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Please do not arrive late!
Arrival Place: Check in is located at the tables in the front hallway of the school. Each student will be given a colored wristband indicating his or her group for the day. Students will then file into the auditorium (down the hall and up the steps).
Pick Up from Buc Camp: Students will be released at 1:00 p.m. Please let your student know where you will be waiting in your car so he or she will know where to find you. Picking up in the teacher’s parking lot to the left of the school is never permitted.
What About Parents? Parents are invited to attend a brief Q & A in the Cafeteria from 9-9:30 . They are welcome to leave the campus and pick their student(s) back up at 1:00 p.m. The parents will not attend the various stations with the students.
Dress Code: The 6th graders will wear a white collared shirt and appropriate shorts/pants/skirt (navy, khaki, black, or plaid skirt)
What to Bring: Your student should not bring anything with them other than a great attitude and a smile! Please do not bring a binder, any type of school supplies, or a backpack. There is a good chance these will get lost.
Will There be Food: Yes, Burger House is providing burgers to every student attendee. A meatless/no patty option will be available. Water will also be provided.
What Will the Students be Doing: Buc Camp is broken down into stations with one group touring, another getting a badges, and another team-building.
Badges: Every attempt will be made to have your student’s badge made during Buc Camp. There will also be an opportunity during Meet the Teacher on Thursday, August 11 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Badges will also be made by groups during the first week of school. If your child does not have a badge on the first day of school, it is okay.
School Supplies: During the first few days of school, each teacher will provide a syllabus and a list of required school supplies. A general list of supplies can be found here. (Note: clear OR mesh backpacks are allowed)
Schedules: The counselors are working very, very hard on getting the schedules ready for distribution at Buc Camp. Schedules are also available now on Power School. There is a possibility that your student’s schedule is wrong. There are a lot of students, and these things happen. It is okay!! Please know that schedule change requests will NOT be made during Buc Camp. The counselors will work hard over the next week to get your student’s schedule correct. Do not panic or call the office if your student’s schedule is not correct on the first day of school. It will be changed as soon as possible.
Chromebooks and Backpack Distribution: We have not been notified about the timing and procedures for this. Stay tuned and thank you for your continued patience.
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